RCL Branch 11
East Toronto Branch

District D Cribbage Winners 2023

2019 Summer Mixed Dart League Winners

2018 Summer Mixed Dart League Winners

Summer darts League champions. Linda g Green , Alan Groome ( missing Debbie Strickland and Adam Elliott)

High Score Men (140) Jim LeRoy, Jason Prevost, Doug Berger, Tim Prevost and Jason Green. High Score Female (128) Peggy Dwyer

Playoff Champions: Greg Grant, Karen Boudreault, Anne Breen, Carol Smart and Eileen MacDonald

League Runner-ups: Jim LerRoy, Lynn Somerton (Missing: Leah McNeil and Jay Miller)

High Finish: Bill Manderson (76) and Dorothy Kennedy (97)

Playoff Runner-ups: Fred Green, Ken Irwin, Denise Wilson and Gail Burrow

Bottom of the Barrel: Bill Manderson, Joyce Haden, Peggy Dwyer and Chrystal Farmer (Missing: Gord Pearce)

Most Outs: Greg Grant (21) and Linda Green (12)


Congradulations to the 2017 Provincial Cribbage Champions from Branch 11 Eunice Francis, Lynn Somerton, Jim McKiel and David Lane ONWARDS TO WINNIPEG TO BECOME THE DOMINION CHAMPIONS FOR 2017!!!!

Jason Prevost being presented with his pin for scoring 180 in Zone D 3 Mixed Darts At Branch 22 Presenting Pin Vic Sing District D Sports Chairman and Lily Phillip Zone D 3 Sports Cairman Backgroud Paul Stone Branch 11 Sports Chairman


Branch 11 are Cribbage Champions for Zone D3. Branch 11 will host this event next year. All 5 Branch 11 teams entered move on to District. The Branch 11 team that came in First Place.From left to Right. Lilly Philips Zone D3 Sports Officer, Eunice Francis, Jim McKiel, Lynn Somerton and Dave Lane.


Royal Canadian Legion Zone D3 Euchre Champions 2016


This year’s District “D” Dart Champs from Left to Right Glen Rose, Bob Fraser, Cliff Whithey and Andrew Drummond.


Second Place also from Branch 11 from Left to Right Tim Provost, Paul Ausman, Sean Patrick and Mark Ready. The Back Row Dave Latimer our Chalker for the fina


This Year’s District “D” Mixed Dart Champs. From left to Right. Lori Clarke, Andrew Drummond, Sandra Durham, Sean Patrick and Vic Sing District “D” Sports Officer.

Congradulations to the 2017 Provincial Cribbage Champions from Branch 11

Eunice Francis, Lynn Somerton, Jim McKiel and David Lane