RCL Branch 11
East Toronto Branch

2018 Honours and Awards


Warriors Day Parade 2018

Amber Haden and Karen Boudreault

President John Dufort …….no tie because he lent it to our Sergeant at Arms

Jack, Doug, Gord, Jean, Amber, Jeff and Karen

Karen, Joyce and OPntario Command President Sharon McKeown

Mike Turner and Brian Nichols

Carole N and Gill Baird

Gord Pearce and a very good friend Jim Fowler

June and Wayne Hayes

Canada Day Branch 11 2018

Canada Day Branch 11 2017


Poppy Lucheon 2017

New Year’s Eve 2016

Santa’s Breakfast 2016


Remembrance Day Parade and Service 2016

Honours and Awards 2016


St John Norway Parade June 03 2016


337 Queen’s York Rangers RC (A) CC Annual Review 2016


Royal Canadian Legion East Toronto Branch 11 Cadet Liaison Chairman, Gord Pearce presented Branch 11’s Certificate and Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence to Cadet MWO Brian Tang at the 337 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps The Queen’s York Rangers 103rd Annual Ceremonial Review on May 28th, 2016. Branch 11 sponsors this Army Cadet Corps who in turn help out the Branch at Various events, such as Memorial Parades, Poppy Campaign, Legion Week and Youth Education. President John Dufort was also a apart of the Reviewing Party and also spoke briefly congratulating the Cadets on their achievements.

Over 60 Club Luncheon & Joe Lake”s 90th Birthday


Spring Cleaning 2016


Saint Patrick’s Day at Branch 11


Karaoke at Branch 11 The Friendly Branch

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Honours and Awards & Remembrance Service 2015

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 Canada Day 2015

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Canada Day 2014

2013 Canada Day East York Parade

Click On this link To See Parade Canada Day East York Parade

Mixed Dart Banquet 2013

Thursday Night Mixed Dart Banquet was held on April 27th at Branch 11.

President June Smith was presented with a donation for the Branch.

Elsie Prosser presented The Nick Gray award and eveyone had a great time.


St. Valentines Dinner & Dance 2013

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal Awards

Branch 11 is Diamond Studded— Frank Babineau

Helen Pearce and Harold Timms Recieved This Award

2nd Vice-President Doug Smith

Being Presented With Canadian Forces Decoration Medal For

More Than 12 Years of Service

The Imposters Show Jan. 6th 2013

Festive Season Branch 11

Toy Mountain, Thursday Night Darts Xmas

Pres. Levee, New Years Main & Clubroom

Remembrance Day 2012

Parade East York

Branch 11 Service Nov. 4th, 2012

Honours & Awards

Oct. 14th 2012

Legion Week 2012

Warriors Day Parade 2012

Pictures From Day’s Gone Bye

St. Johns Norway Parade in 1989 or 1990

Past President . B. Currie, M. Cassidy, M. Martel and our own B. Murphy



Shirley Caster presented the Branch with a $ 500.00 cheque from the Ladies Auxiliary

June Smith: Past President’s medal, bar & lapel pin
John Dufort: 1st Vice President bar & Poppy bar
Jim LeRoy: Leadership bar
Ontario Command Certificate of Merit: Margaret Hook, Mike Hook
Certificate of Merit Branch Level: Rick Groome, Helen Pearce and The Ulster Accordion Band
Certificate of Appreciation:

Joanne Barden, Jun DeLeon, Sandra Durham, Fred Green, Linda Green, Elsie Higgins, Judy King and Wayne King

Certificate of Appreciation Non-Members: Sam Bell, Laura Gava, Vi Kenny and Jacque Larcenaire
Branch Service Medals
10 Year Pins:
Ordinary: Jim Gentleman and  Steven Smith
Associate: Karen Boudreault, Robert Dutton and Lorna Sherman
Affiliate: Don Manley, Rick McAleer, Rhona Moore, Evelyn Proteau, Emily Smith and Otto Tuisz
15 Year Pins:
Associate: Patrick Antonew, Wilma Delaney, Laura Groome, Vi Murdoch, Glenn Poole, and Anna Wilkins-McCallen
Affiliate:  Maria Gaio
20 Year Pins:
Associate:  Peter Anderson, Susan Bailey, Joan Cribari, Julie Erion, Doug Fulton, Michael Gallacher, Steve Hadden,  Maureen Hannah, Mary King, Marg Lowen, Bill Manderson, Helen Pearce and Fred Wilson  
25 Year Pins:
Ordinary: Sheila Hadden and Ron Pointer
Associate:  Cathy Cole, Gary Gale, Wayne Hubley, Gloria Middlestadt, Doug Plourde and Joyce Reynolds
30 Year Pins:
Ordinary: Joe Gagne
Associate: Diane Bethune, Ronald Fenn and Kenneth Foster
35 Year Pins:
Associate: Charlie Silson and  Bill Small

40 Year Pins and Membership card:

(it is the tradition of Branch 11 to pay the dues of any Ordinary member who reaches a service level of 40 years. (This is the first year for Associates to reach the 40 year level)

Ordinary: Tom Bragan, Dan O’Connell, Frank Sweeney, Bill Topham


Barry Atkinson, Bob Kennedy, Harold Timms
50 Year Medal:
Ordinary:  Edwin Harvey

Legionnaire of the Year Award:

Jean Whynot