RCL Branch 11
East Toronto Branch

There are 3 way to pay your $50.00 dues for the year 2023

  1. Mail a cheque to the branch and your sticker will be mailed to you.
  2. The branch is open Monday to Saturday from 1:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. and there is a steward at the clubroom bar who will take your money and give you a receipt. You need to have them put a note on the receipt so we know if your sticker is to be mailed or left at the bar for pick up by you.
  3. Again this year we are set up foe e-transfer. Send your $50.00 to membership@rcl11.com.

Free, 0ne-year Legion membership to welcome Veterans to the Legion

For still serving or retired CAF and RCMP members who have not been a member of the Legion. Please click on the link above for more information.

Early Bird Campaign Winners for 2025 Dues

Eunice Francis, Danielle Ferris, Jim Collins and Gerri Pennie


Just a note of welcome from Branch #11 to the new members who have joined/transferred into our Branch

Chandra Raja, Jerome King, Shaun Hayes, Jayden Hosker, Nicole King, Edwin Mason, Jim Collins, Judy Collins, Valerie John, Eric Kelly, Sharon Mercer, Tanya Pinagel, and Sheryl Thorne

WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS and we hope that you will continue to support the Branch that you chose to join.




Any member who has not paid their 2023 dues by January 31st, 2023, will be classed as

“a member not in good standing” as per the By-Laws of Dominion Command.  As a Branch adhering to these By-Laws as well as having this requirement in our own Branch Regulations, any member “not in good standing” will not be allowed to participate in any functions in the Branch, to be served at the bar or to participate in any sports activities.  We would really like to see all members continuing to enjoy the facilities of our “Friendly Branch”.  *** Please pay your dues as soon as possible if you have not already done so. *** If you do not pay before December 31st (in January or later), your dues will be $ 55.00; $ 50.00 for dues and a late penalty of

$ 5.00 which covers some of the costs of sending letters and reminders out to delinquent members.

Thanks to everyone who has already paid their dues for cutting down on the costs to the Branch as no reminders have to be sent to you, which saves us a lot of mailing and copying costs. If you are sending in a cheque and want your card mailed to you, it would help the Branch funds if you would include a stamped, self-addressed envelope to send your card to you as we, along with every Legion Branch, are feeling an economic crunch due to our aging population and decreasing membership.  Your help regarding this matter would really be appreciated.

*** If there is a reason that you are not planning to renew your Legion membership, please call me at home 416-266-7359 (I have an answering machine), phone the Branch 416-699-1353 and leave a message for me or the President, Jeff Paulin or drop a line to my attention as membership chair. We would really like to know why you no longer want to belong to our great Branch as well as the organization known as The Royal Canadian Legion





A note of thanks to all the members who have sent in pre-addressed, stamped envelopes for the mailing of their membership cards to them.  This year we also had a number of members send in money to buy postage or actual stamps.  I cannot express enough thanks to all the members who have sent in stamped envelopes, money for stamps or stamps, as this little bit on your part contributes a lot to our finances. I have probably had at least 60 of our members so far, do this little thing and for us this translates into 60 times

.92 postage + GST and 60 times the cost of an envelope in savings as well as the financial/stamp donations that we received.  Every little bit on your part helps out the bottom line in OUR Branch. I also have several members who donate stamps during the year and I want to extend my thanks to these anonymous members who never want to be revealed.

Cathy Cole

Membership Chairman

Click on the link to the Legion

Welcome to the Legion

Become a Legionnaire and join the finest Veterans organization in the world

Click on the Royal Canadian Legion Membership Application form  below

and submit it to the Branch Membership Chairman

Membership Application

The Membership numbers as of May 2023 are as follows:

Voting Affiliate
Non-Voting Affiliate
Total Membership








All applications for membership are subject to the General By-Laws of  The Royal Canadian Legion and approval by the local branch to which the application is made.

You may be eligible for membership in a Canadian branch of The Royal Canadian Legion if you are a Canadian citizen or Commonwealth subject and are of federal voting age.

There are four membership categories, each with different qualifications. The criteria for each category are as follows:

Ordinary Membership – You may be eligible for Ordinary membership if you have served or are serving in:

    • The Canadian Forces or Her Majesty’s Forces (including regular force or reserve force under class “C” service); or
    • the Forces or underground forces of any of Her Majesty’s allies in any war, conflict or police action in which Canada was involved; or
    • the Merchant Navy or non-military services in an actual theatre of war in which Canada was involved; or
    • Her Majesty’s reserve force including Cadet Instructors on the Cadet Cadre. Must have at least one year (12 months) service; or
    • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police or The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary for not less than one year; or
    • the Forces of a country while that country was a member of NATO or NORAD in alliance with Canada; or
    • the United States Forces; or
    • the Vietnam War with the Armed Forces of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea or South Vietnam, and were a Canadian citizen or Commonwealth subject at the time of service; or
    • the Canadian Coast Guard as an officer or crew member who has two or more years active service on the high seas or inland waterways; or
  • a city, municipal or provincial police force as a police officer for at least one year.

Associate Membership – If you do not qualify for Ordinary membership you may be eligible for Associate membership if you:

    • are the child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, sibling, niece/nephew, widow/er, parent or spouse of someone who is or was eligible for Ordinary membership; or
    • are the child of an Associate member; or
    • have served in The Royal Canadian Sea, Army or Air Cadets for not less than 3 years; or
    • have been a cadet civilian instructor for not less than 3 years; or
    • have served as an officer in the Navy League of Canada for not less than 2 years; or
    • have served in the Polish Armed Forces after WW II below the rank of officer; or
    • have served in a City, Municipal, Volunteer, Un-organized Territories or Federal Fire Service for not less than one year
  • are the spouse, parent or sibling of an associate member who qualified subject to the above criteria.

Affiliate Voting Membership – If you do not qualify for Ordinary or Associate membership but support the aims and objects of The Royal Canadian Legion you may apply for Affiliate Voting membership.

Affiliate Non-Voting Membership – If you are a non-Canadian citizen or a non-Commonwealth subject from an Allied nation and support the aims and objects of The Royal Canadian Legion, you may apply for Affiliate Non-Voting membership. These members shall have the same rights as all other members except the rights to vote and hold office. A member admitted under this Section is not permitted to apply for voting status unless otherwise qualified.

Why Join?

By joining The Royal Canadian Legion you will have the opportunity to make new friends, become involved with your community and to develop and share your leadership skills. You will help to perpetuate the Remembrance of those who gave so much for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy today and the proud heritage of this great Canadian organization will be enriched by the enthusiasm, energy and new ideas that you bring to it.

Here are just some of the many benefits membership in The Royal Canadian Legion brings:

Social Activities – Our branch has recreational facilities and a licensed lounge. Members can enjoy a wide variety of social events such as dances, barbeques, entertainment and a host of other special events.

Member Sports – The Legion has sporting events such as darts, curling, cribbage and golf, with competitions ranging from local, provincial to national levels.

Member Benefits Package – The Legion has developed a relationship with a number of corporate partners to provide products and services to its members. Some of the partners include a home and auto insurance company, health care services, a credit card company, and an auto club to name a few. Only Legion members are entitled to the benefits offered.

Community Service -You can serve your community by assisting with the many Legion programs in support of youth, seniors, the disabled and others. The Legion also provides bursaries and scholarships to students from Secondary School to the University level and is the largest single supporter of Scouts and Guides in Canada. It is also a major supporter of sea, army and air cadets.

Leadership – You will have the opportunity to grow within this great organization. The Legion needs members who can take on the Leadership challenge. If this is where your interest lies you can become involved by serving on the branch executive. You may even wish to go to higher levels such as zone, district or provincial. You may even aspire to the national level. Every Dominion President who has served in this capacity started out as a branch member. You, too, could one day be President of the largest community service organization in Canada.

Service – As Canada’s largest volunteer organization, tremendous intangible benefits are gained through the commitment of members to fulfill the mandate of remembrance, service to the community and our country. Our fallen comrades served in battle, you have“another way to serve” by joining The Royal Canadian Legion.

LegioMagazine – Your membership includes a subscription to the Legion Magazine which is published six times a year. It contains articles on various topics including history, current events and general interest stories, as well as keeping members up-to-date on the many and varied Legion activities. It also contains a section dedicated to the recognition of those who served their country.

The many opportunities and programs offered by The Royal Canadian Legion are identified throughout our web site or you may wish to contact us for more information.