RCL Branch 11
East Toronto Branch

Ladies Auxiliary Executives


Nancy McKnight

Immediate Past President

1st Vice President

Eunice Francis


Karen Boudreault


Sgt. at Arms

Nicole Boudreault


 Sports Officer

Nancy McKnight

Joanne Bardon

Debbie Kirkland 

Kitchen Conveners

Nancy McKnight

Ladies Auxiliary Meeting Schedule


General Meeting are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 8:00 pm

Executive Mettings are held on the last Wednesday of the Month at 7:30 pm


3rd Wednesday of each month (Jan. to May, Sept. to Nov.) is the Bingo at Sunnybrook.  Please call Nancy (647) 223-9646 if you want to go so she can arrange transportation.


Ladies Auxiliary Birthday Social June 25 2017


Ladies Auxiliary Sunnybrook Social May 28th, 2016

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The above are pictures from the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 11. Ladies Auxiliary members present were President Nancy McNight, Cindy LeRoy and Joanne Barden.

This was a social at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto held on May 28th, 2016. This is held semi-annually at Sunnybrook for entertainment for the Veterans. The Ulster Accordion Band directed by Ed Kenny provides the musical entertainment while the ladies serve refreshments. Several of our Branch 11 Executives take part in spending time and talking with the Veterans and their families.

This year President John Dufort, 2nd Vice-President Jeff Paulin and a past president now sitting as an executive member Bill Topham were present. Others that attended and helped were Shirley Ritchie, George Bricknell, Vi Kenny and Caroline Hanus. Also visiting from the Branch was Harold Timms, Paul and Gwen Lake.  See the picture of Joe Lake with his wife Gwen. Joe is a resident at Sunnybrook Hosiptial

Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon

May 27th 2012

L.A. President Shirely Caster & Branch President Bill Topham

L.A. President Shirley Caster, Branch President Bill Topham & Betty Groome. Betty Recieved a Bar & Medal

L.A. Secretary Nancy McKnight introducing D3 L.A. Zone Commander Pat Fisher

Shirley Caster Recieving A 15 Year Pin From L.A. Scretretary Nancy McKnight

Shelia Hadden Presented M. Crook & E. Stewart with 40 year Pin

D3 L.A. Zone Commander Pat Fisher Presenting Molly Sutton with 55 Year Pin

Anne Bragan Presenting M. Smith with a Appreciation Certificate

L.A. President Shirley Caster Presenting Anne Braganwith a L.A. Service Medal for Excellance

Servers For L.A. Luncheon

Rick Groome, June Smith, Donna Braniff, Bob Murphy, Gord Pearce and Doug Smith
