RCL Branch 11
East Toronto Branch
The Royal Canadian Legion Online Forms
East Toronto Branch 11 Membership Application Form
(the friendly branch)
9 Dawes Rd, Toronto, ON M4C 5A8
Donations can be made  (click on this link)


Club Room: (416) 699 1353
Fax: (416) 699 1831
  Office: (416) 699 1353

                         To E-mail the Branch or the Executive,

                                  please use the e-mails below:

President president@rcl11.com
FirstVice-President firstvice@rcl11.com
Branch Office or General Inquiries office@rcl11.com
Building Chairman building@rcl11.com
Membership Chairman membership@rcl11.com
Public Relations Officer PRO@rcl11.com
Seniors Chairman seniors@rcl11.com
Sgt @ Arms sgt-at-arms@rcl11.com
Sick & Welfare Chairman sick-welfare@rcl11.com
Sports Officer sports@rcl11.com
Track & Field Chairman track-field@rcl11.com
LeadershipDevelopment Chairman leadership@rcl11.com
Veterans’ Service Officer veteranservice@rcl11.com
Webmaster webmaster@rcl11.com
Youth Education Chairman youth-ed@rcl11.com